Over a year in and the devastating effects of  COVID 19 are still rippling throughout the world. While the impacts stretch far and wide, both professionally and personally, we set out to question – how have they affected the current market? 

We’ve questioned and we’ve listened. Read more to see what’s in high demand for businesses hiring in 2021 and beyond.


As Charles Darwin said so well,

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

Off the back of COVID 19, many businesses had to adapt fast. Challenged to facilitate a remote working procedure, with little to no warning. Though challenging, this found flexibility within businesses saw many employees working from home for the first time. Often delivering surprising results.

With the realization of how productive and time-saving a WFH arrangement can be, we’re seeing more and more candidates requesting work from home flexibility. 

This has since become the new norm, and in this candidate-driven market, we’re seeing that it is nearly essential for businesses to offer WFH opportunities to stay competitive.

That being said, the keyword here is flexibility. With many wanting the opportunity to work part remote, part in-person.

(For those still getting acquainted with WFH – check out some of our tips and tricks here)

Change in processes

As more and more businesses move towards WFH flexibility, the need for businesses to be well equipped for remote work is higher than ever.

Highlighted by the unpredictable nature of the pandemic, an update in policies and procedures is being called for. Ensuring remote working solutions are in place, regardless of whether businesses plan on having the structure long-term or not. Bringing employees a thoroughly sought-after peace of mind.

These updates include having a solid remote onboarding process to ensure training is sufficient for new employees. As well as having systems in place to maintain communication with team members, regardless of location.

Having worked with lots of mortgage brokerages during lockdown, who faced these remote challenges, we’ve developed a suite of useful materials to assist:

current market calls for wfh options


What’s one of the biggest outcomes we’ve seen? 

Candidates are placing more and more importance on security and stability in their careers. 

To say COVID 19 affected a lot of jobs would be a wild understatement. As a result, the unstable environment led many to reexamine their career path. Searching for reassurance that the business, and role they are in, are sustainable long term. With both the aspects of an active role and financial stability at the forefront.

A craving for stability that the workforce had been lacking for the past few years. While many previously embraced more of a nomadic lifestyle shifted. Opening a gate for businesses that embrace employee security.

Coupled with an understanding of work/life balance in the form of WFH opportunities. We predict businesses that can offer stability to their employees over the next few years will fare well in the current climate.


They say weddings, births, and funerals bring out the best and the worst in people…we’re going to go ahead and add “Global Pandemics” to this list.

COVID 19 at its peak was undoubtedly a test of how businesses look after their staff during tough times. Indirectly highlighting the true values and priorities of each organisation and its workers.

While many businesses had to make the devastatingly tough call to say goodbye to staff during this time. The focus for many was not on this but instead, on the positive and negative work cultures demonstrated throughout. The resulting approach to each obstacle the pandemic presented to business owners and their teams.

A good work culture raises retention rates, boosts morale, and fuels productivity. A trait that has always won out among our candidates and seemingly remains just as important in today’s market.


In summary, while the aftermath of the pandemic is yet to truly unfold, there is a strong theme of “support” emerging. We’re hearing employees and job seekers calling loud and clear for good culture, job security, and a business that can rise with the times.

Wondering if your business meets the bill? Or wanting to learn how you can better position your company in today’s market? Get in touch to learn more about how we can add value to your business’ recruitment practices.

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