Experienced Candidates VS Graduates/Entry-Level Candidates

While there are no doubts in anyone’s mind about the immense benefits of having an experienced and engaged candidate on board, in a candidate-driven and competitive market, these sorts of candidates are fast becoming a rarity.

With everyone fishing in the same pond, in an already candidate-short pool, it’s time to embrace a new way of thinking.

Rather than compete with the skyrocketing salaries on offer, sinking into low places or cutting corners (yikes!). Invest in your business by thinking forwards. And open your doors to a longer-term solution. 

Invest in educating and nurturing a candidate with the right attitude. Help them grow their experience as they develop into the role, then watch them soar!

The benefits of hiring a graduate/entry-level candidate

Graduate and entry-level roles can be more cost-efficient

A graduate/entry-level role remuneration package can be far lower than an experienced professional in the same field (especially in the current market). 

These types of roles are more cost-efficient and a great alternative for SMEs with more financial limitations than some of the bigger, competing businesses.

A lower price bracket also opens up the opportunity for businesses to reinvest any saved margins. To further educate or reward their teams, or even by taking advantage of the opportunity to train/welcome multiple graduates at once. 

cost-benefits-of-hiring-entry-level -candidates

Graduate and entry-level roles can inspire 

As a general rule of thumb, individuals entering a role for the first time tend to be more eager, grateful and enthusiastic. Often, these roles are filled by someone excited to take on their first ‘real’ job or grasp an opportunity to grow a career in a new field. It’s a new and exciting experience, and as such, candidates applying for these roles can be hungry to succeed and prove themselves.

A graduate or entry-level role can often also inspire a bit of healthy competition among the existing team and help reignite the passion of those who have been with the business longer. These roles allow existing employees to take on leadership/mentoring positions and demonstrates their value within the organisation as they pass on invaluable knowledge.

Graduate/entry-level roles can create coaching opportunities

Unlike some of the more experienced candidates, graduates and entry-level candidates don’t tend to enter a business with all the answers preloaded. While this can be a positive and a negative, this lack of experience can create great coaching opportunities, and open the doors to tailored training that directly enhances the business. Most candidates applying for these roles enter ready and wanting to learn. 

As a somewhat blank slate, graduates and entry-level candidates are open to learning new information and don’t come to the business hardwired with previous bad habits. Eager to ask questions to upskill, they can be more coachable. Offering gratitude instead of resistance to new information (and those who welcome them into the business).

Candidates in these roles can bring fresh ideas and new perspectives that encourage healthy development for both mentors and mentees. They offer the opportunity for progression organisation-wide and can inspire a new way of doing business.


Graduate and entry-level roles can attract motivated candidates, determined to make their mark

It’s a competitive market out there for everyone, including those fresh to the industry! Graduates and entry-level candidates know this just as much as anyone. So, once they secure a foot in the door, they’ll most likely continue to work hard to prove themselves and develop their careers.

Flush with opportunity as a new graduate or an entry-level candidate, you can take comfort knowing that these roles tend to be filled by candidates that have specifically sought out this particular position/path. While experienced candidates may come with years of hands-on exposure, graduates and entry-level candidates can bring a powerful attitude. One of excitement and resilience.

Candidates in these roles are often fresh, with a passion that fuels outstanding work ethics and genuine commitment. Driven and motivated, a graduate or entry-level role offers your business opportunities for growth you might not otherwise be able to access. 

On top of all this, the recruitment fees attached to these roles are more affordable AND, placements are often made much faster. 

While graduates and entry-level candidates may not be able to compete with candidates backed by years of experience when it comes to expertise, they more than accommodate for this in enthusiasm, ethics and attitude. With a return on your invested time evident as the candidates grow into their roles.

If you think a graduate role could be the winning recruitment strategy your business has been searching for, reach out to one of our specialised recruitment consultants to gain even more insight. 

Learn how a graduate/entry-level role could optimise your specific business and how we can help you achieve the next steps. 

Recruit smarter, not harder! And invest in a team who will invest in your business alongside you.

Ready to take your business and recruitment strategy to the next level? Contact us to see how we can assist.

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