What is team culture and why do we need it?


We’re glad you asked! 

Team culture can be difficult to summarise and will often vary and develop over time. Foundationally, it’s a term used to describe the atmosphere, dynamics, and interactions within a team in the workplace.

What’s become a bit of a buzzword, is the guiding principles of team interaction, inclusivity and, attitude. Determined by the standards everyone treats each other by, the management style and the overall vision of the company and team – team culture, or more specifically a good team culture, is vital to a thriving workplace. 

While we’re sure we can all agree, the culture or environment of a workplace hugely affects the morale and workflow of those within, what’s not as readily agreed upon is the how-to behind it all.

Just as everyone’s values in a role will differ, so will the cultural requirements of different personalities. While some are passionate about a team culture that promotes a work hard, play hard mentality, others may be more drawn to those with a more wholesome, family-like interaction.

So how do you cater to this to build a great team culture in your workplace?

It can be hard to cater to everyone, especially in a business. So, regardless of personality type, we’ve found a few key traits that universally set the groundwork for great team culture. Whether your business is small, medium, or globally scaled, culture is what will set you apart. 

Make your team culture something to be proud of with our five guiding principles to create a positive and healthy work environment:

  • It’s called leadership, not ‘boss-ership’

A great team culture will have a leader who supports their team. Someone who leads by example and provides constructive feedback. Guiding when needed.

A good leader will plan the growth of the team and their employees and ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal. A great leader will be right there with the team as the plans are put in motion.

  • Consistency meets connection

Regular meetings will help the team build rapport and increase team morale. By creating an allocated time and space where everyone is heard and respected in their roles, the team can build trust in each other and feel valued for their part. Regular team meetings help a team to work productively, as well as collaboratively, in a safe and guided manner.

Team meetings are also a great opportunity for a leader to step in and balance the dynamic. Encouraging the more reserved personalities on the team to participate in a space where they will feel heard.

  • Constructive feedback matters

Everyone works differently. So whether you’re in a manager role or simply helping a co-worker out, always be sure to provide feedback that’s constructive and tailored to the individual. Approach feedback with kindness and patience and when ‘room for improvement’ is present, allow time for brainstorming. Constructive feedback will allow each party to come away with a sense of achievement as well as actions in place to create positive change in the future.

Constructive feedback can help people to reach their fullest potential while ensuring that their best interests are still met. The way you approach feedback matters, as telling some they are wrong without taking the time to show them where the mistake has happened or how to avoid it in the future, will only result in poor morale.


  • A Learning Environment For All

Nothing brings a team to a grinding halt like lack of opportunity or stimulation. Nurture your team by creating a learning environment that gives employees an opportunity to continuously grow in their careers. 

Developing old or learning new skills, independently and as a team, allows growth and sparks new ideas. It fuels the human need for progression which in turn boosts morale and team spirit. 

  • One team, one vision – more than a corny slogan

A company and team with a common mindset is the surest way to reach your goals. Not only your individual goals but the goals of a company as a whole.

Make sure everyone is on the same page and create excitement around the big picture mission. Team incentives, training sessions that promote a united front, challenges that put their newly developed skills to the test, will all create a sense of team spirit and help you to work towards a common goal. 

Workplace culture can make or break a team and impact productivity, results, and mental wellbeing. Creating a great team culture doesn’t have to be a lengthy or expensive exercise but it should be at the top of your list to instill. Without it, even a great business can fast fall into chaos.

Feeling like your workplace isn’t touching on any of the 5 core principles above? Contact us and see how we can help you build or discover a greater team culture.