The Great Reshuffle. What does it mean for your business and the way you hire?

With quality candidate shortages, it’s more important than ever to know how what’s on the wish list of those seeking employment. 

The Great Reshuffle, also known as “the Great Resignation” across the globe, is forecast to reign in 2022. While the title and the talk surrounding the topic can be daunting, it’s equally a time of opportunity. Get in the mind-frame of the candidate as you look to hire this year. Know the stats and what’s in demand in a newly adjusting COVID-Normal world. To keep yourself and your business up to date, accountable and adapting.

Put your best foot forward during the ‘great reshuffle’ with these insights from Erika.

Looking for more guidance on how best to recruit and retain in 2022?  Connect with one of our recruitment consultants today for a free confidential chat.

Want more? Check out this great article by Harvard Business Review on how companies can improve employee engagement right now.