A year in review: 2019 for PPG

It’s that time of year again. The time when we reflect on how far we’ve come in the last 12 months, and how grateful we are for all the people who’ve helped us get here.

Here’s what Platinum People Group has been up to this year.


We moved offices

With an expanding team comes the need for more space! Earlier this year we found our new home at Spaces on Level 2, 161 Collins St Melbourne. 

We jazzed up the space a bit by putting some favourite quotes on the walls to make it feel more like “us”. We’ve loved making use of the beautiful facilities here, and having more room has been a joy!

justin-geaney-meg-curtis-steph-underhillWe hired some new people

The PPG team introduced some fresh new faces in 2019. 

We brought a gun recruiter Justin Geaney onboard early in the year, and he helped us place dozens of candidates while contributing substantially to the team culture! 

We also officially welcomed our part-time Marketing Manager Steph Underhill, and our newest Graduate Recruitment Consultant Meg Curtis who are both working hard to provide an outstanding service for our clients.

man-writingWe helped businesses launch brokerage divisions

This year we partnered with several fantastic Financial Planning and Accounting firms to help them diversify their offering by opening a brokerage division. This involved working out what specific skills they needed from their first broker hire, and sourcing exceptional candidates who could build the division from the ground-up.

It’s always exciting being able to educate great business owners on the mortgage broking industry, and we’re grateful to have joined them on their growth journey.

2-years-in-business-platinum-people-groupWe celebrated our 2nd birthday

In June this year we turned 2! While Roland has been a specialist recruiter in this space for over 8.5 years, running his own business is still fairly fresh. 

He shared some top tips on what he’s learned from 2 years in business.

PPG-team-at-rcsa-awards-2019We were nominated as a finalist at the RCSA Awards!

It was such an honour for our Managing Director Roland to be nominated for Recruitment Professional of the Year at the recruitment industry awards this year. Our team travelled to Sydney for the RCSA event and had a blast celebrating our industry’s achievements with so many other recruitment professionals. 

roland-youakim-presenting-adviser-business-accelerator-programWe presented at The Adviser Business Accelerator Program

2019 saw a huge spike in requests for Roland to present at industry events and personal development days! He kicked it off this year by speaking at the Adviser Business Accelerator Program. Roland presented to over a thousand mortgage brokers across Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane on the topic of how to “get recruitment right”. 

You can download the cheat sheet from the event.

platinum-people-group-donating-to-make-a-wishWe took part in the Melbourne Marathon

No, we didn’t run the actual marathon. (But HUGE respect to the people who did!)

Our team wanted to raise funds for Make-A-Wish, a charity that’s really important to us. We stepped it out and raised over $2,653.70 for the cause – which is a huge effort that will make a real impact on the lives of seriously ill kids.

THANK YOU to everyone who donated 🙂

roland-youakim-presenting-at-mortgage-choice-pd-dayWe shared recruitment advice at broker PD days

Roland hit the speaking circuit throughout the year, presenting on recruitment strategy to thousands of mortgage brokers at professional development events for organisations like Mortgage Choice, PLAN Australia and Finsure. 

Whether presenting in person or via webinar, Roland has honed his strategy and is ready to take on more engagements in 2020! Get in touch if this is something your business or network could benefit from.

ppg-team-life-events-2019We achieved some personal wins

Outside the business arena, our team kicked some major life goals too.

Roland and his fiancé Madison continued planning and preparing for their wedding next year, and they even purchased their first home together!

Our Marketing Manager Steph also purchased her first home, and announced that she’ll be having a baby shortly after Christmas.

marvin-coleman-mortgage-choice-oakleighWe worked with so many incredible people

This year has brought with it a wealth of new relationships, and we’ve been privileged to work with some amazing new business owners and mortgage broking professionals in 2019.

We were able to speak to some incredible industry leaders, such as Jason Back, David Johnston and Natalie Sheehan. Some of our clients – like Marvin Coleman of Mortgage Choice in Oakleigh – absolutely blew us away with their impressive business practices.

The people we’re honoured to work with in this industry continue to show us what it is to be client-focused and driven to succeed.

Thank you to everyone we had the pleasure of working with in any capacity in 2019. It’s been an amazing year. Here’s to an epic 2020!