Not a normal recruitment agency | Platinum People Group

Whether you’re a mortgage broker or financial planner, or own a business looking to hire these professionals, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to Platinum People Group’s Advice Centre – where we offer valuable tips and insights for mortgage brokers, financial planners, businesses and job seekers.

So, let’s talk about you

Today, we’d like to talk about you. That’s what we want to do every day, actually. We’re not interested in engaging in a ‘transactional’ relationship with you, where we just fit candidates into a set job description. That often doesn’t work out well for anyone.

No, we’d like to get to know you: what challenges you’re facing, where you’d like your career to take you, and what your aspirations are – both professionally and personally.

Many recruitment agencies won’t approach you with a discussion like this. You may have experienced recruitment agencies that are transactionally focused, KPI-driven and, worst of all, lacking the empathy to hear your voice. They don’t always take the time to understand your business’ deeper needs and goals, or your larger vision and career ambitions. Unfortunately, this the normal, and it’s not okay.

We think you deserve more than that.

We know that there’s a lot more going on in your life than a checklist can portray. You may have a family, a dream to start your own business, or a longer term strategy to take your business to the next level. You need to achieve a good work-life balance and have opportunity to grow and succeed.

All this is important to talk about, especially when you’re hiring or looking for a job. At Platinum People Group, we take the time to work through this with you. And even more than that, we go above and beyond to share our expert knowledge and advice.

We’ve been specialists in mortgage broking and financial planning recruitment for over 7 years, so we’ve got a lot of knowledge to offer (if we do say so ourselves). Because we’re passionate about helping people, we love to share this knowledge – that’s why you can access the content in this Advice Centre for free. We truly hope to add value to your career and life by helping you get ahead and grow.

To start you off, let’s explain four reasons why you need more than a normal recruitment agency can offer you:

1. You need a specialist

The mortgage broking and financial planning sector is always shifting and evolving. That’s why you need to work with someone who understands it and has specialist knowledge in the area. A non-specialised recruitment agency just won’t cut it. They won’t understand the intricacies of the sector, and how it all affects you.

Working with a specialised recruitment agency will mean you’re working with someone who genuinely understands your challenges and concerns and can give real advice. We can help you navigate the industry and advise on best practices.

2. You need someone who’s invested in you

Working with someone who doesn’t have time for you is always a disappointment. They won’t understand your needs and will often be working off a template. Not only does that leave you feeling sour from sub-par service, you often won’t receive the knowledge and advice you need to reach your goals. You need to work with someone who will sit down, ask relevant questions, and make the experience unique for you. You’ll also want to work with someone who will go above and beyond to provide great service and useful advice.

At Platinum People Group, because we’re so passionate about helping people, we believe you’re worth investing into. This means providing education and assistance even where it’s out of scope. This Advice Centre is a part of that. We strive to achieve best outcomes for all our clients and candidates, so investing into you as an individual is our first step.

3. You need someone ambitious

If you’ve got big plans for the future – whether it’s to grow and diversify your business, excel your career, or start your own business – you need to partner with someone who believes in you no matter how large the goal is. Because we’re ambitious ourselves, we love helping others reach their goals too! We’ll back you the whole way, offering advice to succeed and motivation to keep going despite challenges. Whether you’re aiming for a certain type of position, or need high quality talent to take your business to the next level, Platinum People Group can help you get there.

4. You need someone who cares

If a recruitment agency comes to you with standard job forms and templates, it’s time to run for the hills! Those don’t work and won’t be tailored to your unique situation. We believe that every person and every business is different. That’s why we will approach you with questions, not templates. We’ll talk openly and honestly, tailoring our service to meet your requirements. And even more, we’ll listen to you. We’ll hear what you need and do our best to achieve it with you.

We’d love the opportunity to meet with you and discuss your challenges and ambitions. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you, please click on the relevant button below, fill out a quick form, and we’ll get in touch with you soon.