There’s no doubt about it – remuneration is important. It’s a huge part of the decision process when people are faced with a new employment opportunity.

We’ve talked a lot about what mortgage brokers and loan processors should get paid, and we’ve also touched on what job seekers truly care about when it comes to a role. Remuneration isn’t everything, and aspects such as career development, training, growth potential and team culture can also be extremely influential when making a decision.

In this video, Roland explains how we were recently presented with an interesting scenario with a candidate of ours. She was faced with a choice between an amazing job opportunity or a higher income if she stayed at her existing workplace. 

So what would you choose?

If you had the opportunity to move forward in your career, but you potentially had to take a step sideways or even backwards in remuneration to get there, would you do it?

We’re always keen to hear your thoughts on matters like these, and we’re here to help you navigate your own employment decisions if you need us. Contact our team for a confidential career consultation.