Meet India McCulloch: Join us in sharing a warm welcome to PPG's newest recruitment consultant, India McCulloch! India is a goal-driven individual who possesses a strong focus on personal growth...
Prioritising Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Win-Win Strategy In today's fast-paced work environment, prioritising the mental health and wellbeing of employees is crucial. The increasing number of individuals...
Enhancing Soft Skills: Unlocking the Key to Professional Success In the rapidly evolving job market, technical skills alone are no longer sufficient to thrive in one's career. Employers now...
Struggling to find balance between work and life? Managing Work-Life Balance: Practical Strategies for Harmony Discover effective strategies for managing work-life balance in today's fast-paced world. Learn how to...
Why Working Exclusively with One Recruiter Makes Sense When it comes to finding a job, one of the most challenging aspects can be navigating the job market and finding...
Preparations For Your Next Interview: Are you tired of going to job interviews and feeling unprepared? Look no further! In this video, Dat from Platinum People Group provides insider tips...
Motivated employees are the backbone of any successful organisation. They are engaged, productive, and committed to achieving their best. However, there are several factors that can diminish their motivation and...
Roland Youakim will be a Speaker at the MFAA 2023 National Conference in Sydney Exciting news! I've been given the opportunity to be a featured speaker at the Mortgage...
Tune in to find out the best career advice our Recruitment Lead Dat Dao has ever gotten. Best Career Advice No one expects you to have all the answers,...