Considering making a career change? Wanting to get get more from your current position? The process can be daunting. Fear of making mistakes may try to hold you back. A lack of confidence might try to sway you. But a leap of faith and a handy little guide might be all it takes to step towards a brighter future. Picture a new exciting career or an enhancement in your current role. It’s all about making better, smarter decisions. Be informed and tackle the big questions with confidence as you tell the self-doubts to take a back seat. It’s time to focus your energy on the bigger picture. 

A guide to Making Better Career Decisions

Choose a career that aligns with your values

Identify your top values both personally and professionally. You’ll fast recognise where there’s a crossover between the two and start to see what values are most important to you across the board.

Find, enhance or work towards a role that aligns with these core values. Happiness in your career will come from knowing that you’re remaining true to yourself, your beliefs and your value systems. 

A role backed by personal purpose is more fulfilling. Conflict within the position is less likely to arise, and mutual respect for the business, your co-workers and employers will keep you satisfied long term. 

For tips on discovering your core values, check out this resource by – Six Steps to Discovering your Core Values

core-career-valuesWork towards a career that supports your vision

Take a moment to envision your ideal scenario. 

Where will you live? What does your office look like? How big is your team? What type of people do you work with?

Sometimes our ideal scenario is miles away from where we currently are. That’s ok. Things take time but making better career decisions starts here. Have a tangible goal and actively work towards it. 

If you see yourself working remotely, apply for businesses/roles that support that model or are open to compromise. Perhaps you love where you are, and this is a long term goal but something they don’t currently offer. Have conversations! Start a dialogue with management about your long term goals and see how you can work towards them together. Perhaps in the short term, they would be open to a hybrid model?

Whatever your vision, work towards a career that will support it.

Keep an open mind

Assumption will kill more dreams than reality ever will. If you don’t ask, you won’t know. If you don’t try, you won’t learn, and if you view the world with tunnel vision, there’s so much you’re going to miss.

In business and life, it’s important to keep an open mind. Opportunities take many forms making adaptability and a willingness to learn or see something new crucial to success.


Talk to People

Seems simple enough but many underestimate the power of communication and networking. 

  • Talk to your colleagues to form better relationships and make your working life more enjoyable
  • Talk to leaders in your field and expand your knowledge. Upskill and enhance your career
  • Talk to management about opportunities and development. Negotiate and pave the way towards a career that supports your vision and aligns with your values
  • Talk to recruiters and keep an eye open to opportunities that might be beyond your immediate field of vision
  • Talk to people – customers, coworkers, family and strangers. Ensure you are content by expressing your needs and helping to fulfil others.

Embrace the fear


Fear is normal and is often a good sign that we’re moving beyond our comfort zone. Expanding beyond the ring of safety will allow career progression. Challenge yourself and watch your pool of opportunity grow with you, along with; career satisfaction, personal development, and the scope of your dreams.

It’s about Courage over Comfort.


Ready to put this guide into action? 

Contact us to see what opportunities might be available.

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