Meet Ana Baweja:

Say hello to our newest recruit, Ana Baweja!

Ana joins the team with an open mind and an inspired and passionate point of view. Shifting from a background in psychology, Ana sees recruitment as an opportunity to put her love of helping people to action – helping individuals better their lives and reach their fullest potential professionally. Like all our PPGers’, Ana is a foodie at heart with an appreciation for exotic tastes and flavours. When she’s not busy behind her desk, getting to know clients and candidates, she loves to explore Melbourne and all it has to offer (including its’ many restaurants!). Although new to the team, Ana has found her place almost immediately – bringing a sense of optimism and light wherever she goes. She loves the diversity of team PPG and places value on the work culture our team works so hard to create. Ana is a delight and the team couldn’t be happier to have her aboard! Keen to learn more about the PPG team? Check us out over here or drop us a line at

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