Impress your interviewer and demonstrate a genuine interest in the role with some well-thought-out questions. Spark a conversation and share your excitement with these ten must-ask questions.

10 Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

1. What does a typical day in this position look like? 

This question may seem like a no-brainer and yet is often overlooked. While simple enough, this question demonstrates your intrigue to know more and immerse yourself in the opportunity.

It also gives you invaluable insight into the role and tasks. Remember that interviews are a two-way street. It’s not just about getting the interviewer to pick you as the ‘right candidate’. It’s also about you taking the time to discover if the role will genuinely align with you, your values and interests.

Ask questions but most importantly – listen and process the responses!

2. How long have you been with the company? What about the company that has kept you here for so long? 

Learning what current employees and management most value about the business can give incredible insight into the kind of environment you might be joining.

Is it a culture-driven team? 

Are there mind-bending incentives on offer? 

Is it a business passionate about giving back to the community? 

Or is it just safe/convenient?

Listen to the response and the passion behind it. Is the interviewer feeling what they’re saying or going through the motions?

This question will offer insight while allowing you and the interviewer to have a more natural flow of conversation. 


3. How would you describe the company’s culture? 

Culture can be everything in a team. This question shows you not only understand this but value it. A willingness to be a team player will always sit well with an interviewer, and this question will help you both find out if dynamics and cultural values will align.

If you’re entering a role within a team, do not skip over this question!

4. Where is the company heading? What are the goals and vision of the company? 

Demonstrate your commitment to the position by expressing interest beyond the now. Where the company plans on going in the future is relevant if you plan on sticking around (and that’s a goal employers can get behind!).

Express your interest in a long-term role with a simple question and reinstate this by using the response to see how you fit into those plans. 

5. How would my performance be measured? 

Know the bar so you can hit (and exceed) it from the start!

Make sure you ask this question with the right intention so the interviewer knows you’re excited about your ability to contribute as opposed to plotting how to cheat the system. 

This question is a great way to start the dialogue with your potential employer around expectations, values and work ethics. Wow them with your passion and eagerness to do well.


6. What career path will be available for me within the company? 

Music to any good employer’s ears! This question is another that backs your commitment to the role. 

A candidate that’s looking toward the future is setting themselves up for a career, not just a job to pay the bills and pass the time. It’s important at this point, to clarify with the hiring manager what ‘progression’ means to you and how you can help one another to work towards a successful future.

7. What sort of incentives are there in terms of development and learning? 

An employer/employee relationship is built to be mutually beneficial. What is available to you for helping the business succeed and vice versa. 

Continued development is crucial for both you and the business and this question will show that you’re keen to further develop alongside the company. Make sure you’re prepared for return questions about what kinds of education you would like to undertake or what incentives you feel are appropriate.

8. What are the top traits of your top performers within the company? 

Straight away, this question shows the interviewer you’re keen to do well in your role. A desire to succeed accompanied by a willingness to learn from others’ success is noteworthy – just be sure to keep realistic and team-focused.

While aspects of roles will have a degree of competitive nature to them, it’s important to show this question comes from a place of wanting to do well individually and collaboratively. 


9. What is expected of me in the first 90 days? 

Set the foundations and further explore expectations early on to avoid disaster later down the track.

What sort of onboarding education and support will be provided in your first months? Who will you be reporting to? Will there be KPIs to meet from day one?

Feel free to take notes during these questions as it will only further demonstrate your excitement about the opportunity.

10. What’s next?

If it hasn’t already been covered, address the elephant in the room. 

What comes next?

How long can you expect to wait before you hear back? Is there anything you need to follow up on or send through? Should you contact your recruiter or them directly?

Know where you stand and avoid unnecessary anxiety by clarifying the next steps before parting ways.


It’s not necessary to ask all ten questions but it’s good to have a collection prepared and ready to go. Questions show engagement and help prevent future confusion or issues from arising.

Note these down, research the company prior, listen to what’s already been said and tailor your questions accordingly.

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