In our very first video edition of ‘Secrets to Success’, Roland sat down with Natalie Sheehan, General Manager at Resicom Financial. They talk about Natalie’s impressive career path, her passion for giving back through mentoring, and her incredibly positive take on the Royal Commission outcome.

This video holds some wonderful advice for professionals of all experience levels and role types in the mortgage broking industry. With a fantastic career spanning almost three decades in financial services, Natalie has overcome key challenges such as building the confidence to progress in her career as a woman in the field.

She has three valuable tips for people looking to build a successful career in mortgage broking:

  1. Build authentic relationships
  2. Be open to learning
  3. Always work on improving your communication.

Learn more about her advice, as well as her positive reaction to the Royal Commission recommendations by watching the full video above.

As always, Platinum People Group is here to help you build a successful career of your own. If you need assistance with finding talent to grow your business, or securing a job that will help you get ahead, please get in touch for a free consultation.